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February 21, 2006


Mindy Stern

Suzanne - what a fabulous list! After going to my first retreat in 2003, I was a convert... now I go on a couple each year and always look forward to the renewal, relaxation, and creativity that emerges when I give myself the gift of "getting away from it all." For me, "it all" is a full-time job AND a part-time business I am building on the side. A retreat helps me slow down enough to focus on what I really need to take care of myself during this crazy busy time in my life... and, I always gain new insights in terms of "next steps" for when the retreat is over.

Also, for anyone reading this, the Writer's Spa ROCKS! I attended last year, and if you're even considering it I would say "Send in your deposit now!"

Lee Westell

By all means, drop what you're doing right now and sign up for the Taos Writer's Spa! I was in last year's group, and not only did it change my outlook to finally believing in myself as a writer, but it gave me a wonderful opportunity to meet some incredible women from all around the world. (Not to mention eating the yummy food that we were served each day!)

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