Ahem! (Throat clearing … paper shuffling … mic testing) A small announcement.
After a few years' hiatus (well, OK … I spoke about three times each year), I've got the itch to speak again. I did A LOT of presentations from 2000-2002, and took a deserved rest. But now … I'm back.
I am currently available to speak to your group about the following topics:
1. How to Package Yourself for Success on the Internet
I about how and why your Web presence can kill possible deals, offers, joint ventures and more if not done correctly … or attract national media when done right. I get into personal branding, blog and site optimization, and just which pieces need to be in place to really make your platform take off.
2. Automatic Marketing - Promote Yourself While You Sleep
Here's a neat system I cooked up that will help you get yourself out in front of the people you need to find … without a whole lot of stress and angst on your part. Using this very system, I've been covered in two major magazines in the past year (Home Business and Writer's Digest) and now have 42,500 links under my name on Google (up from 11,000 one year ago.)
3. How to Explode Your Income and Your Reach by Licensing Your Workshop or Seminar
I explain how and why anyone can take their workshop and repackage it to be a licensable 'Train the Trainer' package. I cover how to tighten your concept into workshop-able material, and then what's involved in setting up a successful licensing program.
4. Creativity Coaching: The Next International Trend in Coaching Comes from the Heart
As the author of one of the original books about getting on with your creative dreams (How Much Joy Can You Stand?), I can safely say I'm considered an expert on coaching others for creative breakthroughs. And I've trained more than 300 coaches worldwide on how to coach creativity, and create their own variations of my How Much Joy Can You Stand? workshop. This talk would cover basics on what creativity coaching is, why it's needed, and how to approach it.
(… or possibly some related topic you suggest? We can see how it fits.)
If you find the quality of information useful on this blog, and think I'd be a great fit for your group of entrepreneurs, solo professionals, coaches, speakers, authors and writers, consultants, professional services pros, personal trainers, pro organizers, small business owners, MLM marketers, wellness pros, chiropractors, or Net practitioners, be in touch using the email link up above in the margin.
Oh yeah … and I've spoken to many large and small audiences all over the US and Canada, including the ICF, Coachville, ASJA, PMAU, Kindermusic, Women in Communications, BPW, NAWBO … and well, the list goes on and on.
PS. While I've done plenty of conference keynotes, I do actually like small groups of 35-100, too. Especially if they're in New England or Mid-Atlantic. Call me. I'm good. (518 963 8927)