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May 17, 2006


Paula Manning-Lewis

Thanks for these last couple of posts. I have tried meditation in the past, but always felt like I was doing it wrong. After reading your blog though, I realize I'm on the right track!
BTW, I thoroughly enjoy your blog and visit regularly!


I totally agree, after years of using energy work to help other people, I am finally getting into trusting that it can help me too. My other problem was trusting, especially, trusting that something so lovely and so simple could make a difference. I try to meditate every day now, which means I do it 4 or 5 days a week.
Since doing this (less than a month), including some positive intentions and asking for help and guidance on my dream, my higher purpose; things have radically started to change for me. I cannot recommend it more highly.
The only problem now, is, I look forward to it so much, I'm starting to see it as a treat, which is something I tend to deny myself until after I've done some "work", when actually, it's best to do it before. And there, I suppose, is the next thing for me to work on.

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