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May 23, 2006


Jay Hepner

Your friend, Chellie, is very sharp, Suzanne!

I've recently come to the same conclusions.

Retirement is exactly what I don't want. Retirement from my school job, ultimately, and moving forward into full time self-employment, sure, with maybe a side job to be engaged with others whose company I might enjoy, but really, getting good enough at writing and marketing, and having enough originality that people look to me for ideas, that's the way I want to stay connected.

'Twill be great if I create something so powerful and popular that I then have more "free" time, but I've always been able to take my pay in time rather than money.

Now I'm working harder at refining my ideas and energy so I can generate more income.

Idea generation, creating my works, finding my markets, and having that fun and passionate work to focus on, and making sure it continues to generate income, those are my challenges.

Sounds like they're shared by most readers of this Blast O' Joy!


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