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July 28, 2006



This is not about Fran or your work with her...but about the connectedness of the blogosphere. I've been subscribing to your Joy newsletter for quite some time. In an unrelated (but not really) note, I've been reading J. Louden's blog since she started it. So now you two are going off to Taos to do your thing. But that's not really what I wanted to say...I wanted to say that I went to the BlogHer site this morning to see who would be liveblogging the event, one of the names listed was Yvonne D. So I went to her blog...and realized that I used to read it awhile back...and lo and behold where had she just been? With you. All roads lead back to Suzanne. ;)

J. Baldini

Sounds interesting but, though I also have an artist website, my concern would be, can I keep it interesting enough for readers. AND, could I find the time to update it regularly. I would be really interestd to hear other ideas which might be as effective.
I also have a workshop site (if it sounds like I'm marketing here, please delete the site url) my intention is only to show that my efforts are divided but, I do try to keep that site more current. In your opinion, should I just stay concentrated on the workshop site?

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