TUT (Totally Unique Thoughts)
Contrary to popular thinking being worthy isn't something you earn, it's something your recognize. And once you do, you won't be able to think, speak or behave in any other way, than as if what you most wanted, was meant to be.
True! Sign up at
Rat Race Remedies
This is a relatively new zine, and like TUT it's short and sweet. The whole purpose is to get you organized to save money for your dream. Darlene, the editor, has you keeping track of extras you cut out (your Master Saving list), and important financial essentials like your Net Worth. Great for anyone who feels disorganized about money, and a little hopeless about making the break for his or her dream. Sign up at
Life Design Strategies
This is a feng shui newsletter that really helps you keep track of energy drainers like clutter...and learn more about how that ol' ancient art can enhance your dream. I like this zine's clarity and directness, which makes even doubters like me appreciate the subtleties of energy flow work like feng shui. Sign up at
(BTW, Vicki, the site owner, offers a "clutter class" that actually supports you step by step on clutter reduction. Great for the new year!)
Success Digest
This is Michael Angier's great, inspiring newsletter. He's been publishing it since 1996, and really understands just what makes the human mind get motivated and keep moving. (Michael offers a free membership in Success Net, his helpful site, with many benefits, including a nice assortment of practical free tools.) His zine just makes a whole lot of sense...I look forward to receiving it. You can sign up on his site at
Parent Preneur Weekly
If you're a parent and working from home, you have special needs. Parent Preneur Weekly gives specific information to help you stay on top of your business, and be more productive. This site has some excellent tools for these time and energy challenged dreamers, like the NoBoss Biz Op of the Month! Sign up at
The Buzz Factor
If your dream involves music of any kind, you want this ezine! Bob Baker takes you by the hand through the process of promoting, booking and selling your music. He's a good, experienced guide who's references lean towards pop and rock, but who's info covers the gamut. A recent issue covered the differences between demos and press releases and sales tools. Sign up at
The New Leaf
I love the way Molly Gordon thinks! She's got another great idea with every issue of this nurturing coaching ezine, which is the voice of her site, "Authentic Promotion". Molly's insights go way beyond the usual coach-babble and I find them refreshing. Sign up at
The Self-Care Minder
How often do we forget to take care of ourselves? Well, how about at least once every hour? Jennifer Louden (my partner in several of my endeavors) knows how to nurture the snarkiest soul, and she shares her wisdom in this bi weekly zine. Funny, profound, great. Sign up at
Prosperity Tips
Joan Sotkin is a terrific guide in getting out of a low-worth consciousness, and finding a way to think that really builds financial wealth and wisdom. All of which is essential in learning how to live your dream! This ezine is full (and I do mean full!) of practical advice about facing your finances with maturity and courage, no matter what you're background has been. Also, do check out her Build Your Money Muscle Program, which is the real hands-on, down and dirty financial work for the soul. Go to
Here is a novel ezine, and one of my personal favorites! Ever so often, you get a neat little thought sent your way -- short and sweet. A recent entry advised: