6. Create an inspiring desktop. Bring nature to your desktop ... or big city skylines, or just about anything you can think of. Or why not make it something you'd like to create in your life? Unlike a screen saver, you get to look at this image pretty much all day long as you go in and out of certain files. That always helps when it comes to visualizing and manifesting, and creating certain emotional states.
3. Clean up e-mail clutter. Outlook Express and other popular e-mail programs have the capacity to create files for your already read email. This means you can empty out your in-box every time you check it, thus eliminating a lot of the clutter that drains your energy. You can also create file folders that establish business goals for yourself, helping you to visualize their reality in your life. Examples might be folders for Dream Financing, New Clients, Raw Support, Dream Resources, and Hot Offers. (I especially like the Raw Support option, as this file is where you stash your unsolicited raves and supportive comments from friends to pull out when youÕre feeling low.)
4. Create a mouse pad with emotional significance. Think about how many times per day you look at or use your mouse pad. If your mouse pad is a dreary, beaten up affair, or has the logo of the local computer repair place on it, toss it. Replace it with a custom-made mouse pad bearing a photograph of something inspiring -- a quote, or the photograph of a hero in your field. These can be inexpensively made at copy shops like Kinko's and photography stores. Consider putting the name and logo of the company you want to start on it, or your Soul Purpose, or a nature image that strokes your soul. Create a mouse pad from whatever image or words will immediately trigger a sense of spirit or courage in your life.
5. Use motivational software. Imagine a CD that plays gentle soul-soothing music, supplies pictures from nature on demand, and then pops up every so often to remind you of your goals and your dreams, and their divine purpose. I like Paul Bauer's Dream Minder software. It provides a soul-enriching 'space' (and great music!) on your computer, which you can run to whenever you need a little soothing. But even better, it's a motivator that checks in with you now and then (you determine the frequency) to make sure you haven't lost track of your creative endeavors. Undoubtedly other software exists that gets the same job done, but perhaps not so beautifully. You can learn more about it at days the average American spends hundreds of hours every month staring into a small screen, and tapping away at a keyboard. We pass more time with our computers than with our children, pets, and spouses combined. Many of us are also dependent on computers to help us do the work of our dreams, whether it be setting up spreadsheets or writing a best-selling novel.
And that's why I think we all need computers with just a tad more soul.
For all their importance in our lives, most computers are still pretty generic heaps of plastic and metal that do little to help us feel spiritually connected or creatively inspired. And yet ... if we are going to use them to live our Soul Purpose, and bring creativity and Spirit into our work, shouldn't they be a tad more personal? Shouldn't they be tweaked a bit so they can offer us soul support when we need it? Inspiration when we're deflated? A shot of creativity every so often?
Here are some suggestions on how to customize your computer so it really does nurture your creative spirit.
1. Put your Soul Purpose, the day's affirmation, or any important message on your screen saver. Most screensaver software has a text option that allows you to type in a phrase that gets repeated against a colored or black background. It's nice way to be reminded of what's really important whenever you casually glance at your screen.
2. Use somebody else's inspiring screensaver.
You can find all kinds of good examples you can download from the Top-10 Screensaver Directory. This is a comprehensive list of many screensaver sites (animals! Christmas!) many of which have downloadable free goodies.