My favorite singer in the entire world is the late cabaret singer, Nancy Lamott, who died tragically in the 90’s when she was only 43. Nancy’s voice is so gorgeous, and so full of feeling, that she simply stands in a league of her own … even twenty years after her death. In fact, her recordings regularly move my husband to tears, so much so that he’s not allowed to listen to her on the highway.
I’m writing about Nancy today because an authorized website on her work has just been released after a very long, protracted legal battle over control of her estate. And boy … is this great stuff! First of all, for the first time, you can actually buy her entire collection of 6 CD’s. Secondly, you can read all about her climb to relatively obscure fame – and what it took to get the following she had, JUST on the strength of being an awesome singer.
See, Nancy was chronically ill throughout her entire career with Crohn’s disease, and later, near the end, with uterine cancer. She still did shows, appearances and recordings between hospital stays, though, and continued to build in popularity until she finally started to peak just as she died. Her final performances were a sold out week at New York’s prestigious Tavern On The Green (one of her live albums.)
Along the way during this incredible, final burst of her creativity, she also finally met the man of her dreams, Peter Zapp, who she married in her hospital bed two hours before she died. (Her demise came unexpectedly quickly, on the heels of some public appearances.)
This woman truly knew what it was to be alive. If you want to learn more about Nancy’s amazing work, please go to
Consider purchasing a CD just as an awesome gift to yourself!
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