I will now confess a guilty secret: I always under-schedule my time. Try to pack too much in. Make a to-do list that would intimidate an Army sergeant. Leave three projects undone on my desk late at night. Live in perpetual shame that I haven’t done it all.
See the vicious cycle? I somehow can’t make myself stop doing this … and it’s not terribly productive. Not if everything you do has the stink of shame around it, simply because ten other things aren’t happening at that exact same moment.
Mind you, I take breaks. I read The Power of Full Engagement – I understand how that works, and the value of being refreshed every two hours. BUT, I also have an appetite that’s too big for what I could do.
I think the problem is there’s no automatic ‘No!’ mechanism. I’m still operating as if I have to seize every opportunity that comes along. Oh … to just have one day when I got everything done on my list, with nothing left over.
Do you relate to this? How have you managed to tame the wild beast who wants to create a monster to-do list?
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